Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Baby Moon Walk 宝宝学步带

Normal Price = RM39.90
Online Price = RM29.90

------------------------------------------------ ENGLISH -----------------------------------------

There's a fun way of helping your child to learn walking. Right, it's the Baby Moon Walk!

Benefits of Baby Moon Walk

  • Instead of letting them learn to walk freely without adult supervision and the danger of falling on sharp objects, Moon Walk ensures that they enjoy learning walking safely with an adult's supervision. It also helps to strengthen the bond between you and the child as well as giving you a memorable time "playing" with the child.
  • If your aging dad or mom is taking care of your child most of time or even occassionally, Moon Walk would allow them to just "carry" your little one without bending down a lot (this is very helpful especially if they have back aches)

Washing Method

  • Use cold water.
  • DON'T iron, use dryer or dry clean Moon Walk.
  • Keep it away from the sun for it to dry after washing.
  • Can use detergent but NOT bleaching agent or any other cleaning chemicals.

  • Moon Walk is for babies from 6-14 months that just started to learn walking (age varies from baby to baby).
  • Ensure that key strap is tighten before using it.
  • Never use without adult supervision.

------------------------------------------------ CHINESE -----------------------------------------

★不用弯腰★婴幼儿提篮式学步带 学行带







孩子学走路的时候辛苦的是爸爸妈妈,要弯下腰扶着孩子一步一步慢慢前行,身体素质稍微差一点的,没走几步腰就酸的直不起来了。如果是爷爷奶奶看孩子的话, 他们的老腰就更受不了了。但是孩子还没有学会走路,摔跤又很心疼。现在这款提篮式学步带把这个头疼的问题解决了,妈妈不用弯腰孩子不会摔跤






1. 训练宝宝走路,可以不用再弯腰。

2. 弯形提手, 可单手训练宝宝走路, 长短及肥瘦都有扣子可调节。

3. 畅销欧美的学步带,有了这个学步带妈妈不用在累着抱宝宝,弯腰学走路了,妈妈轻松了,宝贝也轻松了。


------------------------------------------------ MALAY ------------------------------------------

Kelebihan Baby Moon Walk

  • Untuk mengelak kecelakaan yang mungkin berlaku akibat belajar berjalan dengan bebas tanpa bimbingan orang dewasa, Moon Walk memastikan anak anda gembira semasa belajar berjalan dengan selamat, dengan pengawasan dan bimbingan orang dewasa. Ia juga mengeratkan hubungan anda dengan anak anda kerana memberi peluang untuk anda "bermain" dengannya.
  • Sekiranya ibu dan ayah anda yang semakin uzur menjaga anak anda, Moon Walk menyenangkan mereka membawa anak anda tanpa terlalu membongkok (amat berguna terutamanya bagi mereka yang ada sakit belakang)

Cara Membasuh

  • Basuh Moon Walk dengan tangan menggunakan air sejuk.
  • JANGAN menyeretika, menggunakan pengering atau buat cucian kering untuk Moon Walk.
  • Simpan Moon Walk di tempat yang teduh untuknya kering selepas membasuh.
  • Cuci Moon Walk dengan serbuk pencuci tetapi JANGAN menggunakan peluntur atau bahan kimia lain.


  • Moon Walk adalah untuk kanak-kanak berumur 6-14 bulan yang baru belajar berjalan (umur mungkin berbeza dari bayi ke bayi).
  • Pastikan kunci plastik telah diketatkan sebelum menggunakannya.
  • JANGAN sekali-kali membiarkan kanak-kanak bersendirian semasa menggunakan Moon Walk.


  1. how about the postage cost?if i wanna buy this Moon Walk?the price RM29.90 include postage or not...


  2. Hi kaisser, postage is RM 7 but if you are around Kepong or Cheras, we can deliver to you at your place or at certain shopping mall :-)

  3. i am staying at Bndr Tasik is near to you?so the price is RM29.90 rite?

  4. hi i am agnes. is this still available???

  5. Yes Agnes, we still have stock. How to post to you or collect on your own?

  6. Kaisser, can't recall whether did I email or reply to you but Bdr Tasik Selatan is out of our coverage, but can meet us at Leisure Mall or Pandan Indah area.

  7. if i want to collect, how much of it? can i collect it at kepong jusco today?

  8. Hi Agnes, today means 6th May right? What time? Kindly call 012-3123430 or 03-62594596 to confirm the time. Self collect only RM 29.9

  9. hi there,
    do you still have this stock? plus postage to perak price please.


  10. Hi B-Hui, very sorry, no more stock. You may get it from Baby Love, think they do sell & still have stock.

    As we've upgraded our blogspot to a website, feel free to visit us at to view more fun & unique products :-)



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